Thursday, March 6, 2008

White People Like Stealing Stuff from Other White People's Blogs...

I was introduced to this blog during my regular morning jog on the internet (capitalized or not? Discuss.) Emily listed it as one of her favorites, and after a little looking around I would agree. She highlighted a few of her favorite posts, and since I can't come up with anything at the moment I'll add mine to the list. Incidentally if you haven't been reading Emily's blog, why not?

#63 Expensive Sandwiches

#40 Apple Products

#28 Not Having a TV

#16 “Gifted” Children


Em said...

Thanks for the plug.

We thought it was funny how a natural disaster can't inspire a blog, but Favre retiring...thats something worth talking about.

Have a good one, and thanks again.

Em said...

According to blogger spell check, Internet should be capitalized. Ane one cannot argue with google...