Monday, April 30, 2007

The Buttafuoco Legacy

Joey Buttafuoco was released from jail this weekend after serving a three-month sentence for a parole violation. The CNN headline says Buttafuoco "paid his debt to society". The first thing that came to my mind was can he ever really make up for the countless SNL skits, woeful made-for-TV movies and cliche stand-up gags he is responsible for inspiring?

Just a thought.

Friday, April 20, 2007

Daddy Dearest?

Alec Baldwin berated his 11-year old daughter in a voice mail left for her after she missed a planned call. Among other things, he called her a "rude, thoughtless pig" who had "humiliated him for the last time".

Real classy there Alec. Not only did this little incident expose the mean, arrogant snot you are behind the Hollywood facade, but also the lack of intelligence you displayed by being recorded saying such things in the first place.

Take a few cues from your brother Stephen. Get yourself straightened out.

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

The Tragedy at Virginia Tech

I join anyone with any shred of humanity in passing along deepest condolences and prayers for the faculty, staff, students and family of those senselessly murdered on the morning of April 16th.
As far as commentary on the tragedy it seems there is little more that can be said. News organizations, psychologists and other experts will dissect the life of the shooter for weeks and months to come in hope of understanding why someone would do such a thing.
On his blog "Consumed", Owen Strachan discusses the responsibility of Christians to reach out to the hurting, the lonely and the ignored who could become the next Cho Seung-Hui, Dylan Klebold, Eric Harris or Michael Carneal.

Fellow believers, remember the story of Cho Seung-Hui. Remember him. In one sense, you will never see him. He is dead. But in another sense, you will surely see him. He will have a different face, a different look, and a different mask, but his distress is in most everyone around you. You will not see it, but it will be there. Reach out, brothers and sisters. Speak out. Share the gospel. Proclaim the truth. Minister to the sick. Love the unloved.

Banish the storm.

The entire post can be read here

Thursday, April 12, 2007

Now what?

Don Imus has been fired by CBS. Is this the end of the matter? Imus was wrong, reckless and irresponsible with his words and deserved some level of consequence but I have to wonder if his critics ever thought they would achieve the result they desired. Is justice served now that Imus is, for at least now off the air? CBS pulled the plug, effectively ending the matter and removing themselves from scrutiny or repercussion.

Will accountability be pursued further than Imus? Where is the story now? The headlines, the outrage?

For your consideration...

In his most recent blog post Chase Abner addresses an anti-abortion protest held on the campus of Southern Illinois University earlier this week. Chase is serving as the interim Director of Baptist Collegiate Ministries at SIU. He includes a letter he wrote to the campus daily newspaper, The Daily Egyptian. The letter does not appear in the online version of the paper, and I would be surprised if it comes out at all. Seems that the last thing a paper like the DE would want is a rational Christian response ruining their article.

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

One of my favorite movie quotes.

This is from "Secondhand Lions" starring Michael Caine, Haley Joel Osment and the always awesome Robert Duvall. This speech by Duvall to Osment highlights one of several reasons why this is one of my choice movies.

"Sometimes the things that may or may not be true are the things a man needs to believe in the most. That people are basically good; that honor, courage, and virtue mean everything; that power and money, money and power mean nothing; that good always triumphs over evil; and I want you to remember this, that love... true love never dies. You remember that, boy. You remember that. Doesn't matter if it's true or not. You see, a man should believe in those things, because those are the things worth believing in."

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Think you are having a bad day?

A piano delivery gone awry in England makes a very expensive pile of kindling.

My first job after leaving active duty was delivering office furniture. On several occasions the delivery conditions were less than ideal and more than once a piece of furniture met a tragic ending. When it happened, it was a sick feeling.

If a picture says a thousand words, I would imagine most of this picture's would be four-letter in nature.

Sunday, April 8, 2007


To the family of cartoonist Johnny Hart, creator of B.C. and the Wizard of Id. Mr. Hart went on to meet his Lord on Saturday, April 7.

I can't say I was a steady reader of either strip, but always enjoyed Mr. Hart's work on Easter and other days related to the Christian faith we shared. Much the way Charles Schultz did with Snoopy on veteran's holidays, Mr. Hart had a way of expressing deep meaning in only a few frames. If you've never read any of his work, I encourage you to do a little digging.

Thursday, April 5, 2007

Thought this was funny...

Stumbled onto this site that replaces key words in movie quotes with your name or whatever word you put in, I imagine. This was my first shot, and I think it's a keeper!!! It's 12:10 in the morning and I've got a whitening strip on my top row of teeth, so humor me! LOL

Say hello to my little Leland!

Which movie was this quote from?

Get your own quotes:

Tuesday, April 3, 2007

Holy Whiplash Batman!!!

One head coach is back again...

Not sure what the story is here. Hopefully Coach Altman realized how incredibly awesome it is to be a coach in the MVC, and that the Razorbacks are far from the top of the SEC. I think he's made a good choice, and one that will sustain the quality of Missouri Valley basketball. Welcome back, coach!!!

I guess it's not hopeless...

I like this.

Monday, April 2, 2007

Big news out of the Missouri Valley...

One head coach is staying...
One head coach is leaving...

SIU ponied up big money to keep a quality coach in Chris Lowery, and I think the money will pay off, despite the normal "Why isn't the money spent on education" gripers. The bottom line is athletics equals revenue through national exposure and playing deep into the post-season.

I'm surprised to see Altman leave Creighton. Last I knew he was untouchable on campus, and the Bluejays won the MVC Tournament this season. They went out in the first round of the NCAA Tournament though, and maybe the Jays see that as a downturn. It will be interesting to see how Coach Altman fares in the SEC and who takes his place in Omaha.

Kid's Programming?

A shooting at after-event party following the Nickelodeon Kids Choice Awards injured three people.

According to news reports no arrests have been made, but police are holding one fox-of-interest for questioning...

Seriously though, this is really sad. I remember when Nickelodeon first came on it was crazy kids' shows and cartoons. Now my 3-year old and 7-year old watch it during the day, but after 5 p.m. it turns into some brooding teen angst after hours party. Remember Degrassi Jr. High? Well they're all grown up now! Gang violence, same-sex relationships and weekly "who's cheating on who" storylines are hooking a whole new generation on soap operas.
Police reports say the party was not an official event, but what kind of crowd is Nickelodeon attracting?