Thursday, April 12, 2007

Now what?

Don Imus has been fired by CBS. Is this the end of the matter? Imus was wrong, reckless and irresponsible with his words and deserved some level of consequence but I have to wonder if his critics ever thought they would achieve the result they desired. Is justice served now that Imus is, for at least now off the air? CBS pulled the plug, effectively ending the matter and removing themselves from scrutiny or repercussion.

Will accountability be pursued further than Imus? Where is the story now? The headlines, the outrage?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

yes, what he said was disgusting, however where we do draw the line when it comes our constitutional right to free speech?

i agree that people with a public podium shouldn't have the freedom to slander and insult others without also having to own up to the consequences of such behavior, but those consequences should have been decided by the viewers not the corporation. let the american public decide who they want to listen to, there is a button to change the channel.

i despise and absolutely disagree with most things that he says, but i don't think firing him was the correct way to handle this situation. who's next? is this going to ignite a witchhunt for every public personality that says offensive, inappropiate things on air? (by the way, if it does, i hope they go for o'donnell next!)