Thursday, March 8, 2007

Another Milestone

This spring Nancy and I enrolled Tori in our church's Mothers Day Out program so Nancy could resume her classwork at Union University. The program allows Nancy to have a few hours on Tuesday and Thursday to attend class without subjecting Tori to a "daycare" environment on a regular basis.
So far Tori loves being able to attend school like her big sister, as seen in this photo from her first day. It continues to amaze me how fast my girls are growing up, and how since the move to Tennessee we've come together as a family. In the past it was too easy to have a babysitter come and watch them when Nancy and I wanted to do something. Now we have become accustomed to taking them with us wherever we go. Nancy and I can tell a big difference in our girls since the move, and in ourselves as well.


Anonymous said...

there are times i want to pull my hair out and cry, wishing for those days of babysitters again, but nothing humbles (and convicts) me more than to think of all the opportunities, memories, and teachable moments that we may have missed with the boys. of course, i can't complain too much, since most of the time we were out making memories with you winston's bagels or that awesome camping experience we shared....but abe and i totally agree. the move has brought us closer together as a couple and as a family. there is nothing more important that i would want to be doing on a friday night than watching reruns of the classic scooby-doo cartoons, eating kettle corn, and playing multiple rounds of sorry and go fish.

Leland said...

Oh, the camping trip will NEVER be forgotten!!! LOL