Sunday, June 17, 2007

Thoughts from a family reunion

Today was the Lyerla family reunion at Giant City State Park. As a kid I looked forward to the reunion every year as a chance to run around with my cousins and see aunts, uncles and other relatives that came in for the occasion. Twenty years and two children later, my enthusiasm has tempered somewhat. It was still great seeing everyone and catching up, but coordinating with my wife to keep track of our girls added a whole new angle to the event.
I did get a chance to pitch washers, and wound up with a great partner who nailed ringers the entire afternoon and pulled us to an undefeated record. I added a few points myself, but definitely found myself in the support role.
One glaring difference between reunions even five years ago and now was the topics of conversations between the cousins my age. Back then we talked about fun stuff; hunting, fishing, music, etc. The first conversation I walked up to this afternoon involved one of my cousins cautioning another about needing to get to a doctor to have something checked out. Growing up stinks! LOL
Anyway, we had a good time seeing everyone, Nancy won a basket full of camping/picnic gear in the drawing at the end, and hopefully we reinforced the importance of family history to our girls. Someday it will be THEIR responsibility to keep the tradition alive.


josh said...

"I read your blog" - so did josh.

glad yall had a fun time! be careful on the road home!
the girls missed a great time at the vbs kickoff carnival. will they be coming this week?

cyn and josh

Em said...

only your wife.....she can't go anywhere without getting something for free, can she?;) by the way...did that kit include a waterproof tent..or at least a poncho or two? hehe. it was good to see you all. and we'll be down your way before you know it!

Anonymous said...

Hey, you're not old enough to be complaining about ailments yet! Joe and I always read your blogs but I've never deemed myself worthy to comment on them...but we really enjoy them by the way. We'll try to think of something intelligent to comment on from time to time...a big stretch for us :)

~teachmom~ said...

I second the "only your wife.....she can't go anywhere without getting something for free, can she?;)" I hear about her getting things free or SUPER CHEAP from my mom all the time. :)

I am glad Athena brought your blog to our attention Leland. I will send it to Chris too so he can read along. :) Your musings are enabling us to know of your goings on and also sometimes even entertaining to read of. :)

Keep on writing! :)

Amy Naron

Mr. Naron said...

We always had our reunions at a state park that had a huge alligator habitat. So much of the time was spent counting children. We still had fun until the skeeters came out.

Anonymous said...

Actually, that was me, not Wesley.

Leland said...

Hey everyone, thanks for posting! It's nice to know someone is taking the time to read.