Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Elusive Silence

"A place for everything and everything in its place." - Ben Franklin

Through a series of links I found this posting by Erich Bridges on Countercultureblog.com

Silence makes many of us uncomfortable, even anxious. So we lunge for the remote or the iPod. Silence encourages reflection, but we are not a reflective people. Silence prepares the heart for prayer, but we’re too busy multi-tasking. Silence enables us to hear the still, small voice of God, but we don’t have the patience to wait for Him to speak...

Of all the devil’s weapons, one of the most insidious is one of the most mundane: noise. Pointless noise. Endless noise. Cell phone ringtone PDA laptop inbox voicemail pager TV radio video traffic subwoofer leaf blower noise. Sound and fury, signifying nothing.

While reading the article I was confronted by how much noise I allow into my own life through gadgets on a daily basis: my iPod, Palm PDA, laptop, the radio in my truck, the XM radio in the car, wireless internet access anywhere I can find it, cable TV, DVDs and CD's. Combine this with a need to be thinking three steps ahead of where I am and it's small wonder I look back and ask where my days, months and years go.

What does this noise tend to replace? Many of the things I criticize myself for not being able to make priorities in life:

Spending time with Nancy and the girls, not just being under the same roof, but doing things together that will make memories.

Getting into God's Word on a much more regular and meaningful basis than I have been to discover all He wants me to be as a believer, husband and father.

To actually do something with the tools and wood collecting in my workshop.

My goal over the next year is to overhaul the way I spend my time. To live deliberately, not allowing the "noise" of life to give me the impression I am doing something when in reality I'm not.

It's going to be an interesting year, and I don't want to miss it.


Em said...

I hear you, friend. The TV time in our house has been dramatically reduced as we've realized there have been many, many wasted opportunities to build on the relationships with our boys because we didn't want to miss CSI or something ridiculous. And for me just being able to let go of my ideal of what a perfect housewife should be and what the perfect housewife's house should look like, chosing instead activities that will make an eternal impact on my children. I think one of the best opportunities to have meaniful conversation (as meaningful as a conversation with a 6, 4, & 2 yr old can be anyway :)) is in the car.

I'll be praying for you in this endeavor.


Anonymous said...

It takes perspective like this to open your eyes. We're quite guilty over here endugling in those noises. I have the music going all the time...as good as music can be for us to reflect on God and His beauty (and the many talents He gives to those who make it), it can be a henderance to our souls as well.

Good points made! :) Thanks![goes to put boxed set of 24 away].

--Amy (I still can't remember my password! Ack!)