Wednesday, November 28, 2007

So I may not start watching Wheel of Fortune...

but I've gained a whole new level of respect for Pat Sajak since reading this column he wrote for

I suppose anything that gets people engaged in the political process is a good thing, but the idea that a gold record, a top-ten TV show or an Oscar translates into some sort of political wisdom doesn’t make much sense to me. Trust me, one’s view of the world isn’t any clearer from the back seat of a limo.

Take a moment to read the rest, it's definitely worth it. I've found a new regular stop on my daily roaming through cyberspace.

Thanks Tim!!!

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Let the Traditions Begin!!!

Well, last night we decorated the tree. Right now we're watching "Merry Christmas Charlie Brown". Seen it so many times I can quote it, but it still makes me laugh at times, other times I can relate too many times to Charlie's woes.

ABC followed it up with "A Charlie Brown Christmas", a 2002 production of vignettes centered on the characters. Not nearly as good, but tolerable.

Any favorite lines from the original? Here's mine...

"Rats. Nobody sent me a Christmas card today. I almost wish there weren't a holiday season. I know nobody likes me. Why do we have to have a holiday season to emphasize it?"

A Question for the Cooks in the Audience

In a discussion with my wife a few days ago the question arose, "What makes soup a chowder?"


Monday, November 26, 2007

Time Got Away from Me!!

I just realized how long it had been since my last post. A friend sent me an article he thought I would find interesting. Interesting indeed, so I'm posting the link and welcome any discussion.

On Sunday mornings, most parents who don't believe in the Christian God, or any god at all, are probably making brunch or cheering at their kids' soccer game, or running errands or, with luck, sleeping in. Without religion, there's no need for church, right?

Read the entire article here